Hedge Fund Capital Introduction Event in NYC
Meet the Manager – Hedge Fund Capital Introduction Event
November 17, 2011 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – New York, NY
NEW YORK: Stonegate Global Fund Services is sponsoring our quarterly capital introduction event on December 13th in NYC. The event will be held at a private venue in midtown Manhattan on Tuesday, December 13, 2011.
The event will feature 25 hedge fund managers to discuss opportunities they see in their strategies. There will also be an opportunity for investors and hedge fund managers to meet one-on-one to ask more detailed questions regarding their views on the global markets.
Accredited and institutional investors are invited to join us, as numerous qualified investors will be attending to hear the management presentations.
Stonegate Global Fund Services will give a brief presentation on “How to start a Hedge Fund”, discussing its most recent White Paper, entitled “How do you start a hedge fund? The new era of hedge fund creation and operational management”. The White Paper will be released in early December and will cover the firm’s industry-leading “Hedge Fund In A BoxSM” solution.
The event will conclude with a wine reception for additional networking.
If you are interested in attending our upcoming or future capital introduction events, please contact us.
Stonegate Global Fund Services is an offshore and domestic alternative investment fund consulting firm specializing in fund formation and fund administration of hedge funds, venture capital funds, private equity funds, oil and gas funds, real estate funds, private REIT funds and ABL funds.
Based in Atlanta, Stonegate has offices in New York, San Francisco and Dallas. The firm’s industry-leading Hedge Fund In A Box solution is a comprehensive service including fund formation, offering documents, regulatory compliance, fund administration, office space, marketing and media packages, as well as prime brokerage and audit services through the firm’s strategic partners. Stonegate works with family offices, traders, and other institutional clients who are looking to start a hedge fund or other alternative investment fund product. The firm also works with existing alternative investment funds and fund managers to provide fund administration and other institutional services.
For additional information regarding Stonegate Global’s innovative services:
New York: 212.500.5977
San Francisco: 415.347.8574
Atlanta: 404.410.1195
Email: Info@StonegateGlobal.com