Recent News

Stonegate Global – Hedge Fund Capital Introduction Event

By John McCorvey / December 20, 2011 /

Stonegate Global Fund Services’ most recent capital introduction event was an astounding success. The event was held at a private venue in midtown Manhattan on Tuesday, December 13, 2011. We invited around 25 managers to present and were pleased that approximately 50 institutional investors were there to listen. We hope to add to those numbers…


Hedge Fund Capital Introduction Event in NYC

By John McCorvey / November 17, 2011 /

  Meet the Manager – Hedge Fund Capital Introduction Event November 17, 2011 –  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – New York, NY NEW YORK:   Stonegate Global Fund Services is sponsoring our quarterly capital introduction event on December 13th in NYC.  The event will be held at a private venue in midtown Manhattan on Tuesday, December 13,…



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